This is me
This is my blog. I design and host websites for a living, and although that takes up a lot of my time most of my roles of wife, mother, grandmother, sister & friend are what define me as a person.
I love adventure, solitude, exercise, quietness, smelling lovely scents, eating good food, the new connectedness of the world.

Wife is one of my favorite and most cherished roles. My husband is the most supportive, understanding, and wonderful man you will ever meet. He is the most perfect fit for me.
This is my best friend, confidant, and lover, David Wilson.

My friends come from all over the country. What I love about my friends is that they are authentic and real. They are comfortable in their skin and they speak their mind. I believe I share that quality also and why I feel comfortable with others like that.
That’s my lifelong best friend, Sally (my identical twin).

From the family I was born into, to the family I created through marriage and family I have adopted as my own. They are all special. Every one of my family members is unique and I love their quirky nature, I applaud their accomplishments and console and support them in their sorrows.
This is one of my beautiful grandsons, Andrew.
Family Images
When my father died I dug out an old family album. If you would like to see some of the people that made me who I am today you’re welcome to take a look.